Pets and Overseas Travel

Dr Peter Rickford has also undergone further training in export accreditation enabling him to help prepare your pet for overseas travel.
Please get in touch well in advance as there are several prep items that require notice. Depending on the country, there can be weeks to months of preparation.
We give you the requirements for the country you are sending them to, which includes information about vaccinations, quarantine, blood testing, carry cage requirements and so on.
The veterinary work that we take care of includes depending on your destination, vaccinations, blood testing, internal and external parasite control and fit for travel examination. All these requirements must be met by an AQIS Accredited Vet which we are.
Please note, there are wait periods for vaccinations to take effect, you can’t just give them a needle one day and send them on the plane the next. We are familiar with the effectiveness timeframes so please give us a call as soon as you know you are going to be transporting your pet overseas so that we can help you meet the necessary requirements.
Logistical queries relating to pet transport as best directed to the animal transport company, for example All Animal Transport
Here’s some handy links regarding pet transport to help guide you